Two interlocked Mobius strips

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Sculpted from Teak wood two independent, but interlocked Mobius strips provide amusement for adults and kids trying to figure out how it is made. Each perforated ring maintain “single edge” feature of Mobius strip, but lost “single surface” attribute due to interlocked perforations. It is still fun to try to follow edge of each ring to confirm it’s singularity.

Size: 140 mm (5.5”) x 38 mm (1.5”). Weight: 56 gr (2 oz).    
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Sculpted from Teak wood two independent, but interlocked Mobius strips provide amusement for adults and kids trying to figure out how it is made. Each perforated ring maintain “single edge” feature of Mobius strip, but lost “single surface” attribute due to interlocked perforations. It is still fun to try to follow edge of each ring to confirm it’s singularity.

Size: 140 mm (5.5”) x 38 mm (1.5”). Weight: 56 gr (2 oz).    

Sculpted from Teak wood two independent, but interlocked Mobius strips provide amusement for adults and kids trying to figure out how it is made. Each perforated ring maintain “single edge” feature of Mobius strip, but lost “single surface” attribute due to interlocked perforations. It is still fun to try to follow edge of each ring to confirm it’s singularity.

Size: 140 mm (5.5”) x 38 mm (1.5”). Weight: 56 gr (2 oz).